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aachaa, the Amazon Himalayan Andes Healing Arts Association, was formed by Lama Gangchen Rinpoche and a group of friends, practitioners of Tibetan Buddhism, with the intention of establishing an exchange between the healing tradition of Buddhism and the millenary traditions of the native peoples. from South America, from the Amazon plain to the Andes. These cultural traditions have a wisdom relationship with the environment, seen as Sacred, in a preservationist way, long before the emergence of this term.


This exchange was established through pioneering trips with the presence of Buddhist Lamas in these regions. During these trips we held retreats with  prayers for the preservation of the environment, and at the same time establishing contact with the spiritual and healing knowledge of the Pajés, men and women from the traditional riverside communities of the Tapajós, Arapiuns and Maró Rivers in the State of Pará (Brazil) and in the Argentine Andes.


Tibet, the Andes and the Amazon have in common, the Culture of Peace and the fact that they still have a good part of their territory with the environment still without pollution of the elements of Nature: fire, earth, water, air and space. Above all, they allow the perception of the space element, absent in the streets of few horizons of our big cities, element that is the basis of the others in the cosmology of Tibetan Buddhism.


These trips created a method that allows, through immersion in meditation in an environment of unpolluted Pure Nature, (believing in the correspondence between the elements of the external and internal world), to lead the group of travelers to get in touch with their own inner Pure Nature. At the end of this immersion, the result was a contact with the Mind of the Heart, full of compassion and without judgment and differentiation between our internal and external world. This Mind of the Heart is common to the three traditions that we have exchanged.


















aachaa travel videos

Tendrel mimi - Andréa Velloso

Institutional aachaa 2018

Amazônia 2013 with Lama Michel - Fausto Kutka

Amazon with Lama Michel 2013 - Denis Misumi

Viva Pharmacy - Amazon 2012 - Fausto Kutka

Chulen 2018

Amazon 2011 - Fausto Kutka

Amazon 2012 - Fausto Kutka

Amazon searches for peace  2013 - Fausto Kutka

Amazônia 2011 with Lama Caroline - Fausto Kutka

posthumous tribute  to Chief Crisomar Fausto Kutka

Borobudur - André Bechelane


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